Task management,
Create Task
Expecting Unexpected Tasks
Sudden tasks will never ruin your project plans. For teams frequently deal with sudden tasks, you will find mitty very handy.
Smooth Operation
Modern UI and clear workflow make creating task effortlessly. A task can even be created by just a few words or filled with lots of details and images.
Big Screen
mitty is also available in your browser. Wherever you are, mitty is ready.
Track Task
Attention, Please!
A simple click makes the task stand out. Asking colleagues how their task is going? Working with quiet colleagues? Pin it!
Intuitive Task Priority
Priority of task is never so intuitive and important. How each member sorts his/her todo list is directly reflected in the priorities.
Complete Task
Cherry-Picked charts with modern UI makes team status obvious and easy to read.
Serious Business
GDPR Ready
Data protection, personal data encryption, limited storage period...etc.
Two-Factor Authentication via SMS protects your account.
Role-Based Access Management
So you can quickly assign each member a certain role and jump start your team.
Cloud Native Infrastructure
Follow industry standards to improve app performance and data security.
Are these happening in your team?
Priority of tasks isn't transparent.
Sometimes tasks are forgotten.
Frequently having to ask "How is the task?"
Time is Money. Don't Wait.